Thursday, 14 November 2013


I got an array of positive feedback on my CD, however there were a few recurring pointers given in order to improve my product, such as:

  • Have you considered changing the main image/different pose 
  • The image looks cutout so perhaps you could blend it? 
Despite me already changing the main photograph twice, I have decided to see if a photograph where my model is facing the camera is more succesful. As for the harshness of the cutout, I will redo the outline and also try to use the blending tool on Photoshop. 

The main two pointers which were made about my posters were that:
  • I could experiment with different font at the bottom of the page. 
  • Try blending the photograph so it looks less cut out, and also blend the roses so the edge looks less sharp. 
Whilst discussing my ancillary tasks with my lecturer she advised me to reconsider the cd cover's design, as it does not seem to be as well put together as the poster. I have decided that I will incorporate roses and black panels in my CD cover, however I am still unsure on what layout I will finalise on.

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