Saturday, 5 October 2013

Poster flat plan

I have decided to advertise two particular songs that feature on the album as it will attract two audiences. My marketing strategy was that the songs advertised were in the charts and occasionally people will enjoy the artists songs that are a hit but fail to give the rest of their work a listen. Thus, they may be tempted to buy the album if the popular songs advertised capture their attention. When researching poster advertisements it became apparent that they often featured praiseful quotes from respects magazines. I decided to use 'Company' magazine as it is a fashion magazine that I personally read, and given that I can be categorised into my target audience, it is likely that other teenage girls will also read it. I will carry on both my artists persona and ensure that I will incorporate the background used on my CD in order for them to work together as a Digipack. The artists name will be at the top of the poster in eye catching font for promotional purposes, as my main goal is to advertise her name in order to make people remember her name. My artists appearance will similar to the CD cover as I want her persona of a unconventional, clean cut teenager to be apparent. Overall, I am ultimately following the conventions adopted when creating a poster.

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