I decided to ask Sarah Worral, a 17 year old college student who categories into my primary audience, her opinions on my products in order to discover if they worked well together. As I myself can justify and reason my decisions, given that they were my ideas.
- Do you believe that my music video, digi pack and poster work well together?
Yes as the artist's contrasting appearance against a floral background is given a reason, which is portrayed within the video. The CD shows the artist on a floral back drop even though she does not seem that girly, as she is wearing dark eye makeup and black clothing,this diversity between characteristics is then shown through the video as she applies makeup yet is seen doing more rebellious things such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Do you believe that my artist's persona, an alternative teenager who avoids ideologies, is clear?
- Have you seen any artists who are branded in a similar way, or are my products unique?
- What is your opinion on my artist?
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